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A.U.R.A Hypnosis Healing Session Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy

A.U.R.A Hypnosis Healing Session Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy


A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing Technique:

Are you looking to unlock the organic memory of your consciousness/your soul, through the art of past life regression? Discovering the true human potential of Universal memory and the power of holistic self healing? Whether this is your first past life regression session or not, A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing technique will bridge you to be able to achieve the deepest hypnotic state, ensuring optimal results. 

A.U.R.A Hypnosis Healing is an Entity Removal Technique, which birthed forth from the Universe's sacred mysteries, and knowledge. Assisting you profoundly, in learning to walk a most organic path, with a deep understanding and connection in how to remove yourself from the 3D Inverted A.I. Matrix. Truly, ‘A Guide To Ascension’.

Other Hypnosis Practitioners that have received an A.U.R.A. Hypnosis session are astonished at the difference they have felt because of the beginning sacred energy work sound bath, in agreement that energy work is essential before a past life regression session is conducted. The combination of the Sacred Angelic Energy Work, creates a bridge for you to connect to your Higher Self. This is the difference from other regression techniques. The key being, the energy work is done before the Hypnosis induction begins

In other past life regression sessions, the full connection isn’t until the middle of the session, until the Higher Self is called forth officially. When the connection is created at the beginning through sacred energy work sound bath, it further aids in not allowing your ego-mind to be as successful, in interfering with your Higher Self connection. Therefore, allowing more detail to come forth into the journey of your infinite creation, and prosperous self-healing. Additionally, if you are not able to connect to your Higher Self to Quantum Heal or if a deeper connection is needed. Archangels and Ascended Masters in union with your Higher Self aid instead. Assisting you to reach the point of connection for the healing of your mind, body, and soul...


Can A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing, past life regression, entity removal heal the Covid-19 Vaccine? YES IT CAN! Read below all that it can begin the self-healing in. Depending on how many Covid-19 vaccines and boosters you have received, and how long ago you have received these, will indicate how many A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing sessions you will require. Some can self-heal through the first session, and some will need two or three, varying on how ready they are to allow the surrender for their self-healing.

Being that A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing is an ENTITY REMOVAL technique, it is profoundly able to bridge forth the list below of self-healing during the Body Scan:

Damage from all types of vaccines, A.I., illnesses, disease, vision, dental health, regrow teeth, age regress 5-15 yrs, DNA repair, blocked or misaligned chakras, issues with auric field, negative cords, negative implants, hooks, portals, removal of entities, Reptilian Consciousness or Archons, fragmented soul, removal of negative contracts, and traumas from current or past life.

Clients at times are able to begin the self-healing process of illness, cancer, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Epstein-Barr Virus, disease, disorders, grow teeth, heal spines, blindness, tumors, hips, organs, bones, expand spiritual gifts... 

Illnesses are energy imbalances and blockages that have manifested within. Our body tries to speak to us through these signs. Examples: cancer being unexpressed emotions turning into anger. Diabetes, lack of sweetness/love in your life. Arthritis, holding on to something/someone very tightly, not releasing. Throat Disorders, not speaking your truth, fear of speaking out.

We have found that entities, A.I., and negative energies we hold within us through both our physical and energy bodies, are the root cause of illness. Once these inversions are released, the body is then able to reach the high enough vibration to begin its journey of self-healing. Being that, what was once energetically clogged, like a river needing to be in flow is no longer stagnant. Allowing an infinite flow of the client's organic Love-Light to once again freely channel through the vessel, metamorphosing the body back into its original, organic, pure, soul blueprint. In turn, self-heal oneself.


The most influential accomplishment through A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing sessions, is aiding the client in realizing that they can connect to their higher self/soul in obtaining their inner knowing and self-healing. A client can receive multiple readings delivered to them by someone else throughout their life, but it is not until they have empowered themselves in understanding that all answers lie within, is when our spirits truly obtain remembrance and growth.

Our higher self/soul is truly God/Creator. When you unlock and connect to this vibration which is infinite within you, you are able to find all the answers you have been in search for, and receive these unlimited self-healing capabilities through the Quantum World. Your soul, your Higher Self, your consciousness, and speak from it. 

When you book for an A.U.R.A. Hypnosis session you will receive 11 pages of Aurora's sacred "Sound & Symbol Alchemy" teachings after your session is completed, in how to use the energy and force fields around you alchemically. Being it is important for you to maintain yourself balanced and cleansed by not allowing infringement upon your vessel once more... This private training is provided complimentary.

When booking, please ensure to review 13 Ways to Prepare for an A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Session.

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