About Me


My name is Miranda Kleinschmidt and I reside in the beautiful state of Wisconsin.

All my life I have felt I was here for a divine purpose, as we all are. I felt this strongly as a child, but I did not know what my purpose was. I went through life seeking and questioning, wanting more information, as I felt something was hidden and needed to be discovered within myself and the world around me.

Like many of us do, I disconnected spiritually as I grew up, and became more focused on the material world, higher-education, and career; but none of it felt quite right. I felt that there was something missing, and that I was not walking my divine path.

Then in 2017, I began seeing many signs and synchronicities in the form of repeating numbers multiple times per day (11:11) that I just could not ignore, so I dug deeper. I realized that our higher self, guides, and angels communicate with us regularly in these forms, and I was receiving a message and a call to spiritually awaken!

I started learning all I could about spiritually, and started to gradually awaken myself. It was shortly after this that I found Rising Phoenix AuroRa and her mystery school; where I started to further awaken spiritually, learning sacred teachings in self-love, self-healing, empowerment, and sovereignty.

I then started the journey of becoming certified in R.A.A.H Reiki, A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing, and Galactic Akashic Reading through Rising Phoenix Aurora’s Mystery School. Now, I am thrilled to be able to find my divine purpose as a healer, and assist the collective in empowering themselves in self-healing and expanding spiritually.

Thank you for following your heart to mine!